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The Emotional and Mental Impact of Retaining Independence on Elders


One of the topics frequently discussed alongside home care in Orange County is independence. Most elderly people choose to age in place because it retains their independence for them. Their own home’s environment removes the unnecessary stress from adjusting to a new ambiance and companions. They could do mundane tasks with relative ease because they are familiar with the ins and outs of their own house.

Every caregiving agency in Orange County knows that independence is a huge concern for elders. They must be allowed to do as many tasks as possible on their own. Being able to do so has emotional and mental repercussions on the elder.

For instance, the loss of independence after so many years could leave the elders feeling helpless, or even useless. This feeling almost immediately manifests itself as depression. Society knows what the trickle effects of depression are – extreme anxiety, irritability, loss of energy, alcoholism, and the development of suicidal thoughts. In extreme cases, some elders commit suicide.

These have effects on their physical health as well. Anxiety could lead to insomnia, which, in turn, leads to a low immune system and an increased susceptibility to diseases. Depression could lead to cardiovascular problems. When coupled with alcoholism, it could lead to hypertension and diabetes, among others.

Why then do elders require companionship services? Caregivers are there to assist whenever necessary, but they don’t interfere when the elderly person is capable of doing the task by themselves. They are there to keep the elder safe, monitor medication, run errands, and encourage exercise and daily walks.

If you have any questions about home care in Lake Forest, California, feel free to drop us a line here at Lake Forest Quality Caregivers, LLC.

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